Foods to Improve Thyroid Health (Hyperthyroidism)

A diet alone can’t treat or prevent your thyroid gland from producing excess of thyroid hormone which occurs as in case of Hyperthyroidism. They symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism respond well to prescription medications and therefore, it is imperative to immediately seek doctor’s assistance. Moreover, intake of specific foods can help to overcome few mild hyperthyroidism symptoms. A proper diet aims at easing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and it basically comprises of reduced iodine intake as it helps to reverse iodine-induced hyperthyroidism in many cases. Hence, a proper hyperthyroidism diet plays a key role in reversing the condition. Here is a brief outline about certain foods for hyperthyroidism that should be included as part of your diet:

Intake of Berries          
Apart from boosting the overall health with their antioxidant properties, berries strengthen the immune system. Berries can help in boosting up the energy levels. Hence, it is advised to include all types of berries such as raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blueberries to include a few. A serving of berries is recommended daily

Include Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables are foods that belong to the goitrogen family. It is advised to include vegetables that belong to the goitrogen family as they promote thyroid gland to produce lesser levels of thyroid hormones. Cruciferous vegetables include Broccoli, kale, cauliflower. Hence root vegetables like turnips and rutabagas are advised to be taken as part of the hyperthyroidism diet.

Green leafy vegetables should be taken in plenty. Some of these vegetables such as kale, spinach and mustard greens reduce the production of thyroid hormones and are hence advised to ease the hypothyroidism symptoms.

Omega -3- Fatty Acid and Proteins
Omega -3- fatty acid helps to control the hyper stimulated thyroid gland.
·         Eat cold water fish, flax seed oil and nuts to get the omega-3-fatty acid necessary for the body
·         Salmon also carries a mega dose of omega-3 fatty acids that keep you healthy. Your body doesn’t naturally produce these fatty acids, so you have to get them from food

The most common symptom associated with Hyperthyroidism is weight loss despite having a healthy appetite. Proteins are necessary for the building of muscles and to provide energy for the body. Protein sources also contain L-glutamine which helps in rebuilding the gut and de-inflaming the body.
Intake of protein is therefore recommended as proteins provide enough energy to the system and increase the muscle mass. The abundant source of protein is Turkey. Other protein rich sources include whey, nuts and beans. It is thus advised to take protein at every meal. Soy products such as beans, soy beans and soy chunks should be included to the diet as these products help in controlling an over-stimulated thyroid in case of hyperthyroidism

Antioxidant Rich Foods and Vitamin D
It is also necessary to consume antioxidants and vitamin D rich foods in the diet. This will reduce the oxidative stress caused by hyperthyroidism. Vitamin D can reduce the inflammation and auto- immune reactions of the body.
·         Avocados, olive oil broccoli etc. contain antioxidants.
·         Salmon is a good source of vitamin D. You can get your daily dose of vitamin D from eggs, mushrooms etc.
·         If you’re not into fish, get your vitamin D from eggs and mushrooms and your omega-3s from walnuts, olive oil, and flaxseed oil. Eat foods with these nutrients daily.
·         Spend 20- 30 minutes in the sun to get the necessary vitamin D for the body.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E
These vitamins are helpful in reducing the oxidative stress caused by the hyperactivity of thyroid glands.
·         All the citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C.
·         Bell peppers, olive oil, wheat etc. are a good source of vitamin E

Consume more Dairy products
Osteoporosis is a serious complication associated with untreated or poorly controlled hyperthyroidism, ultimately resulting in weak bones. Hence, it is imperative to consume necessary amounts of calcium. Some of the calcium rich sources include dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese to include a few. It is recommended to take at least 3 servings of calcium rich foods daily cabbage. About 1 or more servings of these vegetables are recommended per day.

Spinach and Collard Greens
If you are allergic to dairy products, you can get your daily supply of calcium from vegetable sources like spinach collard greens etc.
·         Figs, prunes and sesame seeds are also excellent hyperthyroidism foods.

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